Rabbit 2.0

The grey rabbit is now finished and freshly listed in my shop has now been sold! It truly is the year of the rabbit around here!

crochet rabbit
I finally raided my stash of hoarded fabric and am going to have a go at sewing some cushion covers using this brilliant tutorial by Gone to Earth. I'll have to do them by hand as I don't have a sewing machine, but hopefully they'll turn out ok!


  1. Wow! Your shop is so cute! Do you hand paint your cards? Very impressive!

  2. Hi Miss Merryweather, and thanks for your kind comment. Some of my cards, such as the watercolour rabbits, are hand-painted. Others, like the deer and boar cards, are designs which I have printed by a fab company called Moo, who do a great job!

  3. Cute little rabbit! I love your Etsy store - your Doggy Jacket card is my favourite!

    Good luck with your cushion covers - I make them all the time to get rid of fabric scraps :)

  4. Hey, thanks for the nice comment!

    Love your work, crocheting is an alien concept to me. Also, handsewing is the best! All the cats are handsewing, and it only takes about 16 hours....ugh.

    :) James


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