
It's been a long time with no updates on this blog but I've come out of hiding briefly to write a catch-up post and make a little announcement.

During my hiatus I've been reacquainting myself with the world of studying after many years away from it, and have now completed a postgraduate diploma which I hope will allow me to move into a new job in the field of cultural heritage. However, all this studying has unfortunately meant that I've had much less time for art and crafts over the past couple of years. I missed doing my art on a regular basis but I've still been developing my style as and when I had the time and I think there have been some good improvements along the way. We'll see!

One thing I did keep up with during my time out was my photography. I still take masses of photos whilst on my various travels, and as a result I am currently in the process of compiling a portfolio of work which is also related to my new career path. I won't say too much about that at the moment as it's still very much work in progress. It's taken a while to get to the point where I have enough experience (and enough material) to really develop a consistent theme and style but I'm really excited to be exploring new aspects of my photography work.

So what's the (big-ish) announcement? Well, after all this time away I have actually had my first piece of artwork accepted for publication! It's currently online at The Sea Letter blog, and will be appearing in their next print edition as well.

'Spitsbergen' at The Sea Letter

It's actually one of my older pieces which I completed in ink, pencil and watercolour, with a few digital changes made to give it a mottled effect. I think it works very well with the poem it's been paired with, which somehow makes it seem more mysterious. Of course, being one of my older pieces, I'm still not entirely happy with it but I'm so excited that it was accepted for publication. The ironic thing is that it all happened when I wasn't really actively working on my art at all, which perhaps shows that good things happen when you least expect them! So thank you to all at The Sea Letter, and do go and check out their other stuff if you enjoy poetry and short fiction.

And also a big thank you to anyone who it still reading this blog after all this time. I'm glad people are still finding some of my past posts interesting, even with very sporadic updates!


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