Soon to be sold at a charity stall on behalf of Cats Protection, these slightly weird looking cats are part of my first batch of greeting card designs, printed by Moo! The original pictures were made in pen and watercolour.
Searching through the layers of leaves, this little piggy found a new friend! This is a greeting card which I have been making for a work colleague. The card itself is also made up of different layers so that it has a slightly 3D effect, as shown in the photos - so it was perfect for this week's Illustration Friday theme of "layer"! Whilst I was photographing it, another curious piggy came over to investigate...
Another effort for IF . I made this a while ago hoping to turn it into a T-shirt design, but as usual never got around to it. I was reading a book about Marx and sketched a quick charicature from a photo of him. He's always depicted with that serious look, hence the captions. He had a hard life, but I think he would have had a chuckle now and then - and he'd certainly appreciate all the bloggers who are "rising up" and producing their own content...!
You may remember this post way back, involving Karl Marx and... well, Karl Marx. I'm shamelessly bringing it up again not only to illustrate the topic of "Double" for Illustration Friday but also as a way of celebrating my very first batch of printed designs! The lovely people at Moo did a great job with them and I'm really pleased with the results.
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