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Somewhere in between card-making and sleeping, I found time to do a quick sketch for the topic "Vacant" for this week's Illustration Friday. Sharks always seem to have vacant eyes, which tends to make them seem scarier (that and the fact that a lot of them have huge teeth!), but actually I quite like them! For this illo I took a pic of my drawing (for lack of a scanner) and inverted the colours using GIMP to make it look like it's looming out of the dark.


  1. Wonderful eerie shark. I think for the most part, a sharks brain is vacant, except for when they are hunting for food.

  2. You've got the mood just right here. The texture is interesting too, with the inversion it almost looks like chalk pastel to me. Great piece!

  3. It gives a feeling of "danger" lurking below! Great mood piece for the prompt!

  4. Makes me want to shriek and swim away in terror! Wonderful illo.


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